
Microscopic image of a group of multi-celled methane-oxidizing microbes found in deep-sea methane seeps in Hydrate Ridge, Oregon. (S. McGlynn, Caltech)

Microscopic image of methane-oxidizing microbes recovered from deep-sea methane seep sediments. Methane-oxidizing Archaea are stained with DNA probe in green, associated symbiotic bacteria are stained in blue. The orange-yellow materials are sediment particles. (S. McGlynn, Caltech)

Using the manipulator arm of the submersible Alvin to collect carbonate and associated animals from an active methane seep off the coast of Costa Rica. (L. Levin, SIO)

Manipulator arm of Alvin submersible collecting piece of carbonate from the ledge of the methane seep, Costa Rica Margin, 1,000 meters deep. (V. Orphan)