
Iอิรัคเป็นประเด็นสำคัญในการประชุมแถลงข่าวของประธานาธิบดีสหรัฐ<br>IRAQ IS FOCUS OF BUSH NEWS CONFERENCE - 2004-04-14

President Bush opened his rare formal session with the press by presenting a 17-minute statement discussing his strategy for Iraq. Amid a spiral of violence, the bloodiest two weeks since the fall of Baghdad last year, President Bush explained the US plan to promote Iraqi self-governance and democracy in the Middle East. Reporters then questioned the President on Iraq, and the war on terror. This is the first prime time news conference since March 6, 2003, just before the beginning of the Iraq War.

Nittaya and Chamroen talked live with both MCOT National Network TV and Radio about the substance of the Press Conference. Listen to their coverage here!

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