ประมวลภาพบรรยากาศก่อนวันพระราชพิธีออกพระเมรุ พระบรมศพ พระบาทสมเด็จพระปรมินทรมหาภูมิพลอดุลยเดช รัชกาลที่ 9

The Royal Crematorium site for the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej is seen near the Grand Palace in Bangkok, Thailand October 20, 2017.

Thailand Royal Funeral

A woman holds the portrait of Thailand's late King Bhumibol Adulyadej near the Grand Palace in Bangkok, Thailand, October 25, 2017.

Thai mourners hold up portraits of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej near Grand Palace to take part in the Royal Cremation ceremony in Bangkok, Thailand, Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2017.

APTOPIX Thailand Royal Cremation

Thailand Royal Cremation

Thailand King's Funeral

Thailand King's Funeral

Mourners walk in line as they arrive before the Royal Cremation ceremony of Thailand's late King Bhumibol Adulyadej in Bangkok, Thailand, October 25, 2017.

25일 태국 방콕에서 푸미폰 아둔야뎃 전 태국 국왕의 장례식이 치러졌다. 푸미폰 전 국왕의 초상화를 든 행렬이 화장식에 참석하기 위해 줄을 서 있다.