ภาพชนะการประกวดถ่ายภาพ "International Earth & Sky Photo Contest" ประจำปี 2014

"Light in the Sky" by Giorgia Hofer (www.cortinastelle.it). (Courtesy: twanight.org/contest)

"Over the Top" by Luc Perrot (www.lucperrot.fr). (Courtesy: twanight.org/contest)

"False Dusk and Falls at Oregon Coast" by Ben Coffman (www.bencoffmanphotography.com). (Courtesy: twanight.org/contest)

"Reflected Aurora" by Alex Conu (www.colorsoflolaten.com). (Courtesy: twanight.org/contest)

"Kirkjufell Nights" by Nicholas Roemmelt (www.nicholas-roemmelt-photography.com). (Courtesy: twanight.org/contest)

"Unlimited Sky" by Majid Ghohroodi. (Courtesy: twanight.org/contest)

"Little Explorer" by Ibrahim Elawadi (www.himtox.com). (Courtesy: twanight.org/contest)

"Fog Below and the Stars Above" by Mark Gee (www.markg.com.au). (Courtesy: twanight.org/contest)

"Bioluminescence and Star Trails" by Phil Hart (www.philhart.com). (Courtesy: twanight.org/contest)